Subject: CONVERT: Winword 6.0 to 2.0 Author: Microsoft Corp. Uploaded By: PCC Wanda Date: 4/30/1994 File: MSWRD6.EXE (731264 bytes) Estimated Download Time (35079 baud): < 5 minutes Download Count: 3066 Keywords: Microsoft, WFW, Word, Conversion, WFW2, WFW6, Word for Windows, Win, Win3 This file is self-extracting, requires 693,126 bytes Keywords: Microsoft, WFW, Word, Conversion, WFW2, WFW6, Word for Windows, Win, Win3 Type: Freely Distributed Version: 03/11/94 While Winword 6.x will read files created by earlier versions; Winword 2.0 will not open or read 6.0 files. This converter updatets Winword 2.0x making it possible to open files that were cerated in Winword 6.0. This converter will work only under Windows 3.1 (not 3.0) and if the document to be converted contains features that don't exist in Winword 2.0x, those features may be lost in the conversion process. After downloading, copy to a disk or directory on your hard drive and type MSWRD6 to extract files. Next, start Windows. From Program Manager pick FILE then RUN. Run SETUP.EXE (be sure to include the path to SETUP). No other Windows or applications should be running when you run setup. The Winword 6.0 converter will be added to Winword 2.0x. To open Winword 6.0 documents, simply start Winword, pick FILE then OPEN. Select the document you want to open then pick "OK" when asked if you want to Convert from "Word for Windows 6.0". Documentation: README.TXT